MIM 4: Daniel Glass Trio - "Gambled" (Live at the Gütersloh Theater)

daniel glass trio Oct 02, 2024

I'm finally getting around to posting some of the trio performances from last year's German tour, including this one, filmed at the beautiful concert hall in Gütersloh.

"Gambled," written by our guitarist Sean Harkness, shows off the funkier side of the band. The performance bears down on the intense interaction that's a hallmark of the trio's sound, and if you're looking for percussive fireworks, the drum solo starts at 5:51.

Here's a transcription of the hits played on the drum solo. The solo (like the rest of the song) is in 4/4 time (1/4 note = 196), The spacing of the three-hit motif is the same every time, but it starts on a different spot in the four bar phrase. The first three rounds start on beats 1, 2 and 4 of the first bar. The fourth round starts on beat 2 of the second bar. After four rounds of hits, I solo over 8 bars, and then the whole thing starts again. Simple to understand when you see it written out, but to the unaccustomed ear, it creates a really cool rhythmic illusion. Soloing over this motif was a real challenge -  took me awhile to get comfortable with it.

I'd love to know what you think about the song and the performance. You can leave a comment below via your Facebook account. Just click in the comments box and it will bring up your FB login. When you've signed in one time, you'll be able to comment on any of the posts in this blog.

If you'd like to see more live videos and listen to the trio's album BAM!,  please visit our official website.

The Daniel Glass Trio - Recorded at the Theater Gütersloh in Gütersloh, Germany. 09.19.23

Michael O'Brien - Bass
Sean Harkness - Guitar
Daniel Glass - Drums 


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